Supersized Logo
About project
Client: ESMA
Creative Direction: David Kokai, Dorottya Fogel
Concept, Production: WLWYB
It’s not always easy to please our clients’ needs. But here we are, with our superhero colleagues who have super brains from which the greatest, most fun ideas pop out all the time! It’s quite cool, eh?

We had the chance to organize a team building in our Visitor Centre before COVID-19 hit the ground. The aim was to make a memorable team building for the folks at ESMA, a public space advertising company.

First of all the team members of ESMA got a guided tour in our office which is also a storage of several million LEGO parts. Here they’ve got a glimpse of how we roll. You can imagine when each and every serious adult became the intersted kid. Our team developed a fun and challenging game that needs great team work, still it’s really entertaining as LEGO bricks are involved throughout.
The surprise in the end was that they have received a city light sized company logo built of LEGO parts. The creation was built of approximately 2500 LEGO parts in 2 days by our team. There is no need to detail how delighted they were when we revealed the creation.